Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is one of the long-term goals that EuP Group pursues. That is why, EuP Group always focuses on strengthening internal factors (strategy, organizational structure, management system, team development, organizational competitiveness, corporate culture) while actively contributing to environmental protection and the community.


To achieve its mission and vision, EuP Group establishes a strategy suitable for each stage, which is the basis for building an annual production and business plan.

Organizational Structure

EuP Group builds an organizational structure model to ensure efficiency in administration and management. Depending on the field, centralized or decentralized administration is implemented to create initiative for all levels.

Management System

- EuP Group applies the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system and other management systems in the future as a strategic decision of the Company to improve overall performance and provide a solid foundation for the sustainable development of EuP Group.


- EuP Group builds and improves documents in management and operation of business activities to improve the effectiveness of organizational management.


- The system of business processes is continuously improved to upgrade labor productivity, employees understand and apply these processes and standards in their work as a cultural feature of EuP Group "culture of process compliance".

Organizational Competitiveness

EuP Group constantly improves products, techniques, production technology, machinery and equipment to improve productivity, quality and enhance value for customers.

Corporate Culture

- Understanding corporate culture is a soft factor, a tool to connect members in EuP Group, towards completing common goals, helping the organization develop sustainably. Therefore, EuP Group focuses on perfecting and developing culture to establish common standards for all levels of management and administration during operations, promoting the identity of EuP Group in the market in particular and society in general...


- Perfecting and developing EuP Group culture helps employees understand the history of formation and development; the mission, vision, core values of the Company; their role in the organization; adjusting the mindset, the way of thinking and acting of members; creating motivation and encouragement for each individual, promoting collective strength.

Team Development
EuP Group always focuses on recruitment and training to develop team capacity, while planning the next generation to serve the needs of expansion and sustainable development.

EuP Group establishes its own style in the market based on core values:


- Reputation: Respecting promises and commitments to customers; fulfilling commitments; building trust with customers.

- Companion: Always accompanying customers, serving wholeheartedly, achieving common goals together.

- Development: Innovative thinking, taking actions that bring value to customers.


- Providing transparent information on production and business activities, maintaining trust with customers, partners and investors.


- Carrying out social responsibility through many activities such as sponsoring community projects, supporting education and health, creating jobs for workers,...

Environmental Protection

- Research and development of environmental-friendly products: R&D has always been identified as one of the key investment points of EuP Group, thereby successfully developing sustainable green product lines.


- Optimizing production processes: EuP Group constantly improves techniques, production technology, machinery and equipment to save energy, reduce emissions to improve the quality of the working environment as well as minimize impacts on the environment.


- Compliance with environmental standards & regulations: EuP Group applies the ISO 14001:2015 quality management system - Environmental Management System (EMS), conducts periodic environmental monitoring reports according to regulations.


- Supplier selection: EuP Group prioritizes establishing cooperative relationships with suppliers with strict production processes, ensuring environmental protection standards.