FAST500 is a prestigious ranking created by Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company (Vietnam Report) in association with VietNamNet – a trusted online newspaper under the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC), to recognize and honor enterprises with high business efficiency, fastest and most stable revenue growth in the Vietnamese economy.
Accordingly, thanks to the outstanding achievements, European Plastic Company has entered the Top 500 fastest growing enterprises (FAST500) in 2022, and was also voted as one of the 50 best growing enterprises (Top 50 Vietnam the best growth).

Mr Nguyen Duc Vu – Deputy director of EuP got FAST500 certificate
This is a memorable milestone, marking EuP’s success in achieving both goals – scaling up and maintaining growth. Thereby highlighting its outstanding position in the Vietnamese business community, especially in the plastic industry regarding economic efficiency and important social contributions.

Since its establishment in 2007, EuP has experienced a steady annual increase of revenue, even at the peak of Covid outbreak (2020 – 2021). This once again demonstrated its capacity and position as one of the leading enterprises in the plastic material market.
Besides, participating in FAST500 also presents a golden opportunity for EuP to promote its brand to both domestic and international businesses, especially key markets such as the United States, EU, Japan, Korea, and other Asean countries.