About us
EuP Group's culture

EuP Group has been building its reputation, brand, and affirming its position in the global market. EuP Group's staff are constantly working and striving to create a prosperous life together, based on the core values of Reputation - Companion - Development to bring good things to ourselves, partners, customers, the community and society.


To achieve sustainable development, EuP Group must maintain and promote its reputation based on the core values. EuP Group culture is the guiding principle for all members of the organization.


"Together build up a prosperous life"


 EuP Group’s staff are always united, constantly working and striving to create a prosperous life for themselves, the organization, partners, customers, the community and society.


"Become a global enterprise mainly focus on plastics industry, then expand to multi-industry with the sustainable development approach"


 The vision represents the aspiration that EuP Group is aiming for. Based on its core strengths, EuP Group focuses on seeking potential investment opportunities to expand across multiple industries, reach the world, and strive for sustainable development. EuP Group's staff join hands and work together to achieve its vision.

Core values

Core values represent the deep beliefs that EuP Group chooses, are the eternal principles to guide the organization, expressed through the daily behavior of each employee. EuP Group's employees work and behave on the basis of core values: Reputation - Companion - Development

Working environment

1. EuP Group always guides the employees towards Truth, Goodness, Beauty, bringing good things to themselves, the organization, the community and society.

2. EuP Group is committed to always providing and maintaining a secure, safe, healthy and friendly working environment, where talents are maximally encouraged and facilitated to develop.

3. EuP Group builds and develops welfare policies to attract, retain, and motivate employees, ensuring competitiveness in the industry.

4. All employees of EuP Group collaborate and contribute to creating a professional yet friendly working environment.

Working style

Each employee joining EuP Group must be trained and cultivated throughout the working process to imbue the ideas and working style, which are:

1. Responsibility: Correctly perceive work responsibilities, try your best within your ability, take responsibility for work results.

2. Honesty: Be honest in words and actions.

3. Compliance: Comply with the internal rules, regulations, processes, and policies of the company.

4. Progressiveness: Positive thinking, improving capacity for personal development, innovative thinking to improve work efficiency.

Behavior towards Managers and Leaders
1. Respect: Respect and protect the image of the Leader and Manager.

2. Trust: Trust in the strategic direction of the Group/Company, the management of the Leader and Manager.

3. Compliance: Comply with the work assignment and mobilization of the Leader and Manager.
Behavior towards colleagues

EuP Group values the spirit of teamwork, and the need of creating a happy working environment. Each employee has the obligation to comply with the standards of behaviour with colleagues in order to build a friendly, united, trustworthy and respectful working atmosphere.


1. Respect: Respect differences in rank, age, gender, personality.

2. Friendliness: Friendly, open, sociable with colleagues.

3. Politeness: Polite in communication and behaviour with colleagues.

4. Solidarity: Cooperate, help each other for the shared goals of the Group/Company/Department/Division.

5. Sharing: Sharing knowledge and helping each other progress.

Behavior towards partners and suppliers

1. EuP Group seeks to work with partners and suppliers who meet the following criteria:

- Capability for collaboration and experience in execution
- Desire for sustainable cooperation between the two parties
- Prestige, quality, efficiency
- Mutual support during collaboration


2. Equality and respect: Equal cooperation, mutual respect, aiming for long-term cooperation and mutual development.


3. Legal compliance: All transactions and agreements must comply with the law and respect the rights of both parties.


4. Goodwill: Any conflicts (if any) must be resolved on the principles of fairness, goodwill, cooperation, and respect for the interests of both parties.

Behaviour towards customers

Customers are considered the "lifeblood" of a business. A business's activities are only truly effective when it earns the trust, support and confidence of customers. At EuP Group, each employee must have these three characteristics:


1. Credibility: Respect promises and commitments to customers; fulfill commitments; build trust with customers.


2. Companion: Always accompany customers, serve wholeheartedly, and achieve common goals together.


3. Development: Think innovatively, take actions that bring value to customers.

EuP and world culture

1. Respecting differences: Aiming to become a global organization, EuP Group always respects the local culture and differences in the lifestyle of local workers, and striving to harmonize without disrupting overall work.


2. Spreading Vietnamese culture: EuP Group promotes the distinctive features of the organization's culture to workers in countries where EuP Group has subsidiaries/member companies/branches, including: Management style, working style, communication culture, rituals and events, images and signs.